Funny Liberals on Bus to Vote Funny Democrat Bus

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Joshua Kurlantzick: The worldwide democratic meltdown

The ballot box is losing its cachet across the developing world — and in the West as well

In the following book excerpt, Joshua Kurlantzick argues the ballot box is losing its cachet across the developing world — and in the West as well:

In April, the hottest month of the year in Thailand, all activity in Bangkok slows to a molasses pace. But in the spring of 2010, Bangkok was anything but quiet. Tens of thousands of red-shirted protestors descended upon the city to protest against the government, which they viewed as illegitimate and unsympathetic to the working class, and to call for a new election. They mostly hailed from poorer villages in the rural northeast, or from working-class suburbs. At first, the protests seemed like a village street party. Demonstrators snacked on sticky rice and grilled chicken, and danced in circles to bands playing mor lam, a northeastern Thai music that, with its wailing guitars and plaintive, yodeling vocals, resembles an Asian version of Hank Williams.

Within weeks, however, the demonstrations turned violent, leading to the worst bloodshed in Bangkok in two decades. On April 10, the troops cracked down hard, sometimes shooting randomly into the crowds. By the end of the day, 24 people had been killed.

By May, the red shirts had been camped out for weeks in the central business district, shutting down commerce and paralyzing traffic. The government and the armed forces, which had rejected the protestors' demands for an immediate election, decided to take a tougher line. Advancing into the red shirts' encampment, heavily armed soldiers created virtual free fire zones, shooting at anyone who moved and reportedly using snipers posted in buildings above the streets. A prominent general who had joined the red movement was killed by a bullet to the forehead as he stood talking with a reporter from The New York Times. The red shirts battled back, setting fire to the stock exchange, the largest mall in the city and other symbols of elite privilege. On the evening of May 19, flames engulfed the Bangkok skyline.

By the end of May, most of the red shirts had gone home. But the clashes had killed over 100 people, most of them civilians, and the government had declared a state of emergency in most provinces, giving it the equivalent of martial law powers.

Such violence has become increasingly common in a country that was once among the most stable in Southeast Asia and an example of democratic consolidation to other developing nations. Four years before the red shirt protests, a different group of protestors had launched Thailand into turmoil. Then it was thousands of middle-class urbanites from Bangkok — lawyers, doctors, shopkeepers and others — demanding the removal of prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, a charismatic populist, mostly backed by the rural poor, who had been elected by large majorities but was clearly disdainful of democratic institutions.

After months of rallies, Thaksin's government was finally ousted in a coup in 2006, but this only led to more chaos. For nearly a decade now, Thailand has weathered one street protest after another, with both sides disdaining democratic institutions and refusing to resolve their differences at the ballot box instead of in the streets, often with bloody results.

Though the Arab Spring, the changes in Myanmar and the tumult in many African countries have captured the world's attention the past two years, in reality, democracy is actually going into reverse worldwide. As in Thailand, democratic meltdowns have become depressingly common. In its annual international survey, the most comprehensive analysis of freedom around the globe, Freedom House found that global freedom plummeted in 2011 for the fifth year in a row, the longest continuous decline in nearly 40 years. At the same time, most authoritarian nations had become more repressive, stepping up their oppressive measures with little resistance from the democratic world. Overall, it reported, 25 nations went backwards, in terms of freedom, in 2011 alone, while only 11 made any gains. The decline, Freedom House noted, was most pronounced among what it called the "middle ground" of nations, primarily in the developing world — nations that have begun democratizing but are not solid and stable democracies.

"Since they were first issued in 1972, the findings in Freedom in the World have conveyed a story of broad advances," Freedom House reported. "But freedom's forward march peaked around the beginning of the [2000s]."

Even nations that have been held up as democratic models have regressed over the past five to 10 years. When they entered the European Union, in the late 1990s and early 2000s, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia were expected to join the older democracies of Western Europe as solid, consolidated democratic systems. But in their decade inside the EU, all of these new entrants actually have been downgraded repeatedly by Freedom House. Populist and far-right parties with little commitment to democratic norms gained steady popularity. Hungary deteriorated so badly that its press freedoms reverted to almost Soviet-type suppression.

Old-fashioned coups also have returned. In Latin America, Africa, Asia and even most of Africa, coups, which had been a frequent means of changing governments during the Cold War, had become nearly extinct by the early 2000s. But between 2006 and 2010, the military grabbed power in Guinea, Honduras, Mauritania, Niger, Guinea-Bissau, Bangladesh, Thailand, Fiji and Madagascar, among other states. In many other developing nations, such as Mexico, Pakistan and the Philippines, the military did not launch an outright coup but managed to restore its power as the central actor in political life, dominating civilian governments. In Bahrain, the military's willingness to continue to support the regime of Sheikh Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa allowed the royal family to crush protests, to enlist the support of armies from other Gulf states including Saudi Arabia and to maintain a tight grip on power after anti-government protests flared in early 2011 and 2012.

Freedom's forward march peaked around the beginning of the 2000s. It has been mostly downhill from there

The strengthening of military rule in many developing nations has been disastrous for reform, despite the militaries' contention that they are the only institutions standing in the way of civil strife or Islamist rule. Indeed, human rights groups such as Amnesty International found that, since the winter of 2010-11, human rights abuses actually have increased in nearly every Middle Eastern nation, including Syria, Egypt and Bahrain, where at least 500 people were detained for protesting between February and September 2011. Nevertheless, middle classes in many developing nations, both in the Middle East and other parts of the world, often continued to support the armed forces as potential antidotes to popular democracy — democracy that might empower the poor, the religious and the less educated.

Opinion polling from many developing nations shows that not only is the quality of democracy declining, but also that public views of democracy are deteriorating as well. The regular Afrobarometer survey of the African continent has found declining levels of support for democracy throughout much of sub-Saharan Africa; in Nigeria, the largest nation on the continent, support for democracy has plummeted over the past decade. In several polls, only 16% of Russians said that it was "very important" that their nation be governed democratically. Even in Kyrgyzstan, which despite its flaws remains the most democratic state in Central Asia, a majority of the population, in one comprehensive Gallup poll, did not believe that a political opposition is very, or somewhat, important, and a sizable plurality said democracy was not important to their country.

In Ecuador, Guatemala, Paraguay, Colombia, Peru, Honduras and Nicaragua, either a minority or only a tiny majority of people think democracy is preferable to any other type of government. According to the most recent Latinobarometro survey, only a small majority of people across Latin America support democracy as a political system, and less than 40% said they were satisfied with the way that democracy works in practice in their country. In most countries in Latin America, these figures have either remained stagnant or slumped from where they were a decade ago. Meanwhile, in Pakistan, roughly 60% of respondents in a comprehensive regional survey said that the country should be ruled by the army, one of the highest votes of support for military rule in the world.

A comprehensive study by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), released in 2011 and 2012, found that support for democracy had declined, since 2006, in all of the new European Union nations except Bulgaria. In some of these countries, such as the Slovak Republic and Hungary, support for democracy fell, in the EBRD's surveys, by as much as 20 percentage points compared to 2006. This decline provided an opportunity for stronger, even more authoritarian leaders.

Even in East Asia, one of the most economically vibrant and globalized regions of the world, polls show rising dissatisfaction with democracy. In fact, several countries in the region have developed what Yu-tzung Chang, Yunhan Zhu and Chong-min Park, who studied data from the regular Asian Barometer surveys, have termed "authoritarian nostalgia."

"Few of the region's former authoritarian regimes have been thoroughly discredited," they write, noting that the region's average score for commitment to democracy, judged by a range of pro-democratic responses to surveys, has fallen in the most recent studies. An analysis of the Asian Barometer data by Park found that, even in South Korea, one of the supposed success stories of democracy in the developing world, the percentage saying that under certain circumstances an authoritarian government was preferable doubled between 1996 and 2006.

Even in developing nations where democracy has deeper roots, and seems to be stronger, disillusionment with its political processes, and democratically elected leaders, has exploded in recent years, as these leaders have seemed unable to develop effective solutions for global and local economic crises, other than biting austerity measures. From Indians demonstrating in Delhi in support of hunger strikers attacking corruption in Indian politics, to Israelis camping in the streets of Tel Aviv in the biggest demonstrations in the country's history to protest their leaders' lack of interest in basic economic issues, to the Occupy movement across the United States and countries of Western Europe, people are increasingly turning to street protests to make their points, since they believe they cannot be heard at the ballot box.

"Our parents are grateful because they're voting," one young woman told reporters in Spain, where tens of thousands of young people also have launched full-time street protests against politicians' lack of interest in the country's long-term unemployment crisis. "We're the first generation to say that voting is worthless."

Joshua Kurlantzick is a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.


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